Pyrrha Tocquet


Hi, I am Pyrrha a young graphics programmer from France. I am a dedicated learner and a Vulkan enthusiast. I am currently looking for a 6 month internship or a Junior position in graphics programming.

Work Experience

Freelance Graphics Programmer

Vulkan, mobile development and 3D web contracts.

Embedded Software Engineering Intern at Infineon

Optimizing a Post-Quantum Cryptography algorithm for Infineon microcontrollers. 

Skills: Embedded programming in C, Low-Level, hardware acceleration, performance optimization, performance measurements.

Personal Projects

Pyrrhasterized: A rasterized  real-time 3D renderer

A cross-platform Vulkan physically-based rasterized renderer written from scratch. Codebase in C++/GLSL.


Work in progress:

1 Day Project: Maxwell the cat

Recreation of the internet meme Maxwell the cat in WebGPU.

The goal was to get quickly familiar with the API in a day.

2023-08-31 20-16-01.mkv

Pyrrhaytraced: A Vulkan fully-path traced renderer (early stages)

A fully path traced and hardware accelerated Vulkan renderer in its early stage of development. The goal of this project is to use ReSTIR (State .

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